A One Health vision
These challenges include sustainable food production, the problems posed by antimicrobial resistance within livestock herds and the need to improve the efficiency and profitability of farming within today’s modern world.
VetDx is also committed to helping to achieve a One Health vision, by ensuring a mutually advantageous connection between human and animal healthcare.
VetDx is a company which continually seeks to collaborate with clients, to help improve their efficiencies, reduce their costs and improve their service delivery. It focuses its software on all facets of a client’s normal process flow, to ensure it creates efficient and user-friendly solutions, which are able to operate in harmony with a client’s internal management systems and the processes deployed by testing laboratories.
Offering a pay-per-use software model and software that is always ‘live’ and continually updated, VetDx has its finger on the pulse of the farming and veterinary communities, being ever-ready to respond to new requirements and situations.